Our mission is to play a leading role for East Kent in developing the economic and social prosperity of the diverse communities we serve.
Daniel Sangiuseppe
Member – Local College Board

Daniel graduated with a BA (Hons) in Business Studies at Kingston University in 2000.
Since then, he has worked in his family business as a Director of Castlewood Hotels which owns and operates three hotels: Burlington Hotel in Folkestone (since 1994), Abbots Barton Hotel in Canterbury (since 1998) and York House Hotel in Eastbourne (since 2006).
He is also Chair of the Folkestone & Hythe District, Hotel & Catering Association and the Folkestone & Hythe Tourism Advisory Board as well as a member of UK Hospitality Southeast Board, the Folkestone Town Team, Folkestone Works Local Action Group and the East Kent Economic Development Group (Kent Invicta Chamber of Commercial).