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Waiting for Exam Results

27 October 2023
Take a look at some of our top tips for reducing the stress of waiting for your results. 

If you’re awaiting GCSE, A Level and Higher Education exam results, it can be a stressful time waiting. However it’s important to remember that you cannot change the outcome.

Take a look at some of our top tips for reducing the stress of waiting for your results. 

1. Stop thinking about the exam 

The minute you walk out of the exam room, there is nothing you can do to change how it went. Comparing answers with friends is rarely helpful – especially when a lot of time has passed. It’s essential to let go of the details and move forward. 

2. Be organised for Results Day

Make sure you know when and where you will be receiving your results. Will you be able to access them online, or will you need to pick them up? If you are going to be away when you get the results, have you organised to send them to your house? Once you have these details sorted you can relax. 

3. Have several plans for the future

Some students find it helpful to consider all of their options. What is the worst-case scenario? Having a plan for if everything isn’t quite what you hoped will help you prepare for your next steps. If things are better than you thought, do you have a strategy? Could you make the most of your success and adjust accordingly? Talk this through with family and friends so that you are prepared for whatever happens. 

4. Enjoy yourself and keep busy 

With most students waiting between one and two months for the results of their exams, you will have a lot of free time to fill. Organising activities and fun days out are a great way to take your mind off the looming results. Getting a part-time job could also help keep you busy and you’ll be earning money so that you can enjoy yourself over the summer. 

5. Organise something fun for Results Day 

Have something planned with friends and family once you have received your results. That way you have something to look forward to.

Remember that you can contact us at any time to discuss your exams, results and next steps.