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Retrain, reskill, or try something new with adult education at EKC Folkestone College.

We promote lifelong learning and are dedicated to help you advance your career or take a new direction.  We offer a range of options for adults, including our short and part-time courses in a wide range of areas.

Staff showing students what to do in Salon

Short and Part Time courses

Our range of short and part time courses for adults are designed to develop your skills and facilitate professional progression across a range of subjects.

Whether you are looking to enhance your career opportunities, return to education or explore a new hobby, we have a course for you.


Elevate your future with our University-level programmes, offering an alternative pathway to university study.

How you apply for a course at EKC Folkestone College

Step 1 – Find a subject you’re interested in

Explore our range of adult courses, and find the subject and study program that is right for you.

Step 2 – Apply

Apply for a course via our website and application system.

Step 3 – Come to an Applicant Day

Book your Applicant Day, and come along to College to see if our course is right for you.

Financial Support

Did you know we offer different types of financial support? Some of our short and part-time courses may be free to those who are on a low income or are in receipt of an approved benefit.

Staff talking to student in the Junior College art studio
Front of the EKC Folkestone College campus

Career prospects

Annual pay
Annual pay is per year, based on full-time employment and on the South East region.
Role description
Artists create artistic works using appropriate techniques, materials and media; design artwork and illustrations; and restore damaged pieces of art.
Data powered by LMI for All

We’re part of six community-based colleges

Our mission is to play a leading role for East Kent in developing the economic and social prosperity of the diverse communities we serve.